9/23/2019 Fall News Update From Fred

Greetings Friends! After many concerts during the first half of 2019, my summer was spent mostly home, which was great. Besides just being with April and our dog Ella (lots of beautiful walks in the New Hampshire woods), and practicing:

I received two patents for the MoyerCam www.moyercam.com
I worked with brilliant computer programmer Gabe Johnson developing music-related software.
I worked on my fourth jazz CD, with bassist Peter Tillotson and drummer Bob Savine

We’re starting to receive reviews for the latest CD Beethoven: Complete Works for Cello and Piano with Nancy Green, cellist. This from Fanfare Magazine:

“I have to conclude that of the countless recorded versions of these sonatas I’ve graced with favorable reviews, I believe that Green and Moyer’s account stands tallest among them.”

Finally, a very exciting opportunity! A 15-day residency in Palestine in late November. I have always believed that music is a powerful pathway to friendship. With the great help of a cousin through marriage, Greg Khalil, who is of Palestinian descent, two music schools, Al Kamandjati (www.alkamandjati.org) and the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music (http://ncm.birzeit.edu/en) have invited me to perform and teach. Varied activities include master classes, chamber music, jazz, a Mozart piano concerto; I will try my hand at music by Palestinian composers. Concerts in Ramallah, Jenin, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nablus and Beit Sahour. We are now looking for funding to help with expenses. If anyone has ideas, please let contact my office!

I wish you the best for the rest of 2019.



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